Marhaban Ya Ramadhan Karim
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa,
Selamat berjuang meraih Rahmat, Maghfirah dan Kebebasan dari api neraka.
Sucikanlah hati dan jiwa,
Bersihkan noda dan dosa.
Jika hati sejernih air, jangan biarkan ia keruh...
Jika hati secerah awan, jangan biarkan ia mendung...
Jika hati seindah bulan, hiasilah dengan IMAN...
” Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah wajib ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas umat-umat yang sebelum kamu, semuga kamu menjadi orang yang bertakwa.”
Surah Al Baqarah, ayat 183
Abu Hurairah ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Umatku telah dikurniakan dengan lima perkara yang istimewa yang belum pernah diberikan kepada sesiapa pun sebelum mereka. Bau mulut daripada seorang Islam yang berpuasa adalah terlebih harum di sisi Allah daripada bau haruman kasturi. Ikan-ikan di lautan memohon istighfar (keampunan) ke atas mereka sehinggalah mereka berbuka puasa”.
Allah mempersiapkan serta menghiasi jannah yang khas setiap hari dan kemudian berfirman kepadanya: “Masanya telah hampir tiba bilamana hamba-hambaKu yang taat akan meninggalkan segala halangan-halangan yang besar (di dunia) dan akan mendatangimu.”
Pada bulan ini syaitan-syaitan yang durjana dirantaikan supaya tidak menggoda mereka ke arah maksiat-maksiat yang biasa mereka lakukan pada bulan-bulan selain Ramadhan. Pada malam terakhir Ramadhan (orang-orang yang berpuasa ini) akan diampunkan.” Maka sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah SAW pun bertanya: “Wahai Pesuruh Allah, adakah itu malam lailatul Qadar?” Dijawab oleh Rasulullah SAW: “Tidak, tetapi selayaknya seorang yang beramal itu diberi balasan setelah menyempurnakan tugasnya.”
Abu Hurairah ra. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Barangsiapa berbuka satu hari di siang hari bulan Ramadhan tanpa alasan yang wajar (disegi syariah) atau sakit yang kuat, tidak akan dapat menampung atau mengganti hari tersebut walaupun akan berpuasa sehingga ke akhir hayatnya.“
Friday, September 5, 2008
S@L@M R@M@Dh@n...
Posted by nurul falahi at 9/05/2008 09:13:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Su@r@ H@ti
kadang teringin jadi mereka..
tapi aku bukanlah mereka..
Ya Allah..
Posted by nurul falahi at 3/31/2008 10:33:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
it skill-c0mputer graphic
Computer graphics is a sub-field of computer science and is concerned with digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. Although the term often refers to three-dimensional computer graphics, it also encompasses two-dimensional graphics and image processing. Computer graphics is often differentiated from the field of visualization, although the two have many similarities.
A broad classification of major subfields in computer graphics might be:
(1)Geometry: studies ways to represent and process surfaces
(2)Animation: studies with ways to represent and manipulate motion
(3)Rendering: studies algorithms to reproduce light transport
(4)Imaging: studies image acquisition or image editin
Below are some of the example of application software computer graphic
Why we have to study computer graphic?
The need of computer graphic in life give a lot of benefit. We devide to some application of computer graphics. Such as Real-world optics which is describe how images are formed by light in the world and describe the roles of the eye, lens and retina in forming images, Simulated optics like define a pinhole/synthetic camera model, define the simplifications made in the simple camera model used by OpenGL and describe the internal and external camera parameter and also modelling and rendering which is describe how a 3D model is rendered to the screen and describe the stages of a typical 3D graphics pipeline .
What is computer graphic?
Computer graphics broadly studies the manipulation of visual and geometric information using computational techniques. Computer graphics as an academic discipline focuses on the mathematical and computational foundations of image generation and processing rather than purely aesthetic issues.
A branch of computer science that deals with the theory and techniques of computer image synthesis. Computers produce images by analyzing a collection of dots, or pixels (picture elements). Computer graphics is used to enhance the transfer and understanding of information in science, engineering, medicine, education, and business by facilitating the generation, production, and display of synthetic images of natural objects with realism almost indistinguishable from photographs. Computer graphics facilitates the production of images that range in complexity from simple line drawings to three-dimensional reconstructions of data obtained from computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans in medical applications. User interaction can be increased through animation, which conveys large amounts of information by seemingly bringing to life multiple related images. Animation is widely used in entertainment, education, industry, flight simulators, scientific research, and heads-up displays (devices which allow users to interact with a virtual world). Virtual-reality applications permit users to interact with a three-dimensional world, for example, by “grabbing” objects and manipulating objects in the world. Digital image processing is a companion field to computer graphics. However, image processing, unlike computer graphics, generally begins with some image in image space, and performs operations on the components (pixels) to produce new images.
Computers are equipped with special hardware to display images. Several types of image presentation or output devices convert digitally represented images into visually perceptible pictures. They include pen-and-ink plotters, dot-matrix plotters, electrostatic or laser-printer plotters, storage tubes, liquid-crystal displays (LCDs), active matrix panels, plasma panels, and cathode-ray-tube (CRT) displays. Images can be displayed by a computer on a cathode-ray tube in two different ways: raster scan and random (vector) scan.
Interaction with the object takes place via devices attached to the computer, starting with the keyboard and the mouse. Each type of device can be programmed to deliver various types of functionality. The quality and ease of use of the user interface often determines whether users enjoy a system and whether the system is successful. Interactive graphics aids the user in the creation and modification of graphical objects and the response to these objects in real-time. The most commonly used input device is the mouse. Some of these two-dimensional (2D) devices can be modified to extend to three dimensions (3D). The data glove is a device capable of recording hand movements. The data glove is capable of a simple gesture recognition and general tracking of hand orientation. In the production of a computer-generated image, the designer has to specify the objects in the image and their shapes, positions, orientations, and surface colors or textures. Furthemore, solid modeling is a technique used to represent three-dimensional shapes in a computer. The importance of solid modeling in computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems has been increasing. Engineering applications ranging from drafting to the numerical control of machine tools increasingly rely on solid modeling techniques. Solid modeling uses three-dimensional solid primitives to represent three-dimensional objects. Complex objects can be constructed by combining the primitives. The creation of images by simulating a model of light propagation is often called image synthesis. The goal of image synthesis is often stated as photorealism, that is, the criterion that the image look as good as a photograph. Rendering is a term used for methods or techniques that are used to display realistic-looking three-dimensional images on a two-dimensional medium such as the cathode-ray-tube screen. The display of a wire-frame image is one way of rendering the object. The most common method of rendering is shading. Generally, rendering includes addition of texture, shadows, and the color of light that reaches the observer's eye from any point in the image.

In computer graphic also include 3D computer graphic.
3D computer graphics (in contrast to 2D computer graphic) are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images. Such images may be for later display or for real-time viewing. Despite these differences, 3D computer graphics rely on many of the same algorithms as 2D computer vector graphics in the wire frame model and 2D computer raster graphics in the final rendered display. In computer graphics software, the distinction between 2D and 3D is occasionally blurred; 2D applications may use 3D techniques to achieve effects such as lighting, and primarily 3D may use 2D rendering techniques. 3D computer graphics are often referred to as 3D models. Apart from the rendered graphic, the model is contained within the graphical data file. However, there are differences. A 3D model is the mathematical representation of any three-dimensional object (either inanimate or living). A model is not technically a graphic until it is visually displayed. Due to 3D printing, 3D models are not confined to virtual space. A model can be displayed visually as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3D rendering, or used in non-graphical computer simulations and calculations.

With this application it will make life more interesting, easy to understand something that complicated and sometimes not everything human can do like imagine something that beyond our mind.
Digital Art
Digital art most commonly refers to art created on a computer in digital form. Digital art can be purely computer-generated, such as fractals ,and algorithmic art or taken from another source, such as a scanned photograph, or an image drawn using vector graphics software using a mouse or graphics tablet. Though technically the term may be applied to art done using other media or processes and merely scanned in, it is usually reserved for art that has been non-triviall modified by a computing process (such as a computer program, microcontroller or any electronic system capable of interpreting an input to create an output); digitized text data and raw audio and video recordings are not usually considered digital art in themselves, but can be part of a larger project. In an expanded sense, "digital art" is a term applied to contemporary art that uses the methods of mass production or media.
Some examples of digital art :

"Flower in the Sand" created by Johnathan J. Stegeman, using Adobe Photoshop on an original photograph. This image is an example of photo manipulation. Source : /computer graphic
Special effect
Normally, we seen special effect in film and entertainment industries but in engineering industry we also applied this special effect. Special effects are traditionally divided into the categories of scenery effects and mechanical effects. In recent years, a greater distinction between special effects and visual effects has been recognized, with "visual effects" referring to post-production and optical effects, and "special effects" referring to on-set mechanical effects.Optical effects (also called visual or photographic effects), are techniques in which images or film frames are created and manipulated for film and video. Optical effects are produced photographically, either "in-camera" using multiple exposure, mattes, or the Schüfftan process, or in post-production processes using an optical printer or video editing software. An optical effect might be used to place actors or sets against a different background, or make an animal appear to talk.
Mechanical effects (also called practical or physical effects), are usually accomplished during the live-action shooting. This includes the use of mechanized props, scenery and scale models, and pyrotechnics. Mechanical effects are often incorporated into set design and makeup.
Special effect on picture taken at the Waterside, Mancheste, Source : / Special effect

Special effect that use CGI in HULK movie, Source : / Special effect
Visual effect
Visual effects (or 'VFX' for short) is the term given in which images or film frames are created and manipulated for film and video. Visual effects usually involve the integration of live-action footage with computer generated imagery or other elements (such as pyrotechnics or model work) in order to create environments or scenarios which look realistic, but would be dangerous, costly, or simply impossible to capture on film. They have become increasingly common in big-budget films, and have also recently become accessible to the amateur filmmaker with the introduction of affordable animation and compositing software[ 6 ].
Here some examples of visual effect

Visual effect in superman movie, source : /visual effect
Pictures created and manipulated through the use of computer devices. The term computer graphics generally pertains to any computer device or program that makes a computer capable of displaying and manipulating pictures. For example: a laser printer is said to be a computer graphics device because it allows the computer to output pictures; likewise, a computer display monitor can display pictures. Computer graphics are used for various applications including publishing, education, entertainment, and advertising, or wherever pictures are deemed reasonable or necessary in the creation of a message. They are also used very effectively in situations where there is a need for computed data to be visualized, such as in statistical charts or graphs of mathematical data. Most computer graphics can also be drawn by an artist, but the computer can accomplish much more in a much shorter period of time. One of the major benefits of computer graphics is that images can be manipulated with relative ease and that a multitude of visual effects are possible because the images can be played with over and over again until a desired effect is achieved.
Posted by nurul falahi at 3/29/2008 09:23:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: it skill-c0mputer graphic
atlet UniMAP
tapi saya tak boleh gagal...

Posted by nurul falahi at 3/29/2008 06:10:00 AM 0 comments
Posted by nurul falahi at 3/29/2008 05:52:00 AM 1 comments
BlaCK Wid0W
Catherine is a black widow. " She mates and then she kills". Black Widow is the story of a lady (Catherine) who marries lonely millionaires, waits until they've changed their will to leave all to their beloved wives and then murders them to inherit the fortune. With each man Catherine marries, she changes her appearance to suit the mans personality. Only there's one problem. Alexandra (Debra winger) is a smart cookie and has found a link between these unexplained mysterious deaths and the partners wives. But now her only problem is proving that a killer is on the loose and saving herself from the deadly Black Widow.
Posted by nurul falahi at 3/29/2008 05:28:00 AM 0 comments
thIs iS LoVe
Posted by nurul falahi at 3/29/2008 04:52:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
i want to walk in other side of the world...
Posted by nurul falahi at 2/27/2008 10:20:00 PM 0 comments